Samsung has managed to break its metal-duck with the first premium-clan Galaxy S6 smartphone which will be available later next month for prices starting from Rs 49,900 (32GB ) and going up to Rs 61,900 for the highest variant. The phone was officially unveiled to the world at MWC 2015 earlier this month and showing its value for India, the phone's made its appearance over here in no time. We managed to spend sometime with the Galaxy S6 and here's what the phone offers now.
It sports a manageable 5.1-inch display which gets powered by Quad-HD resolution amidst Corning Gorilla Glass 4 protection. The phone is packed with a Exynos octa-core CPU paired with 3GB RAM.
The plastics have gone for good and replaced with glass-back body finishing which, however is susceptible to scratches and tends to be on the slippery side.
It's the slimmest Galaxy flagship from the Korean brand at 6.8mm and 138 grams for a device with display size upwards of 5-inch isn't too bad either.
At the back, Galaxy S6 comes fitted with a 16MP rear snapper with optical image stabilization (OIS) in tow. The phone is capable of taking some quality shots; daylight and low-light with quick-time focus of 0.7 seconds, as per company claims.
And on the front, you get a 5MP front camera which misses out on flash but with high aperture numbers, expect the quality of selfies to get even better.
The phone is running on Samsung's own custom interface over Android 5.0 Lollipop but from the looks of it, the software hasn't got the desired level of changes that one gets to see on the pure Android version.
Samsung will be hoping to claw back its way in the premium space wherein the competition lies in the form of HTC One M9, Apple iPhone 6 and soon-to-be-announced Sony Xperia Z4 among others.
It sports a manageable 5.1-inch display which gets powered by Quad-HD resolution amidst Corning Gorilla Glass 4 protection. The phone is packed with a Exynos octa-core CPU paired with 3GB RAM.
The plastics have gone for good and replaced with glass-back body finishing which, however is susceptible to scratches and tends to be on the slippery side.
It's the slimmest Galaxy flagship from the Korean brand at 6.8mm and 138 grams for a device with display size upwards of 5-inch isn't too bad either.
At the back, Galaxy S6 comes fitted with a 16MP rear snapper with optical image stabilization (OIS) in tow. The phone is capable of taking some quality shots; daylight and low-light with quick-time focus of 0.7 seconds, as per company claims.
And on the front, you get a 5MP front camera which misses out on flash but with high aperture numbers, expect the quality of selfies to get even better.
The phone is running on Samsung's own custom interface over Android 5.0 Lollipop but from the looks of it, the software hasn't got the desired level of changes that one gets to see on the pure Android version.
Samsung will be hoping to claw back its way in the premium space wherein the competition lies in the form of HTC One M9, Apple iPhone 6 and soon-to-be-announced Sony Xperia Z4 among others.
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